Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Blue Zones....

OK, so apparently there are places in the world called, "Blue Zones," where longevity is in abundance. People routinely live to be over a hundred in these areas. For example, in Costa Rica there is a remote peninsula that is known as the largest Blue Zone in the world. Hundreds of people live to be a centurion in this secret place. Recently, Oprah and her band of goobers went to visit these places to find the secrets to living past the big one-zero-zero mark. They came across a lady chopping wood for cooking...she was 102! They also saw some dude cruising around on a bike....he was 95! That's a lot of candles on a birthday cake. It seems as if these people drink very hard water from the mountains, which is chock full of minerals and nutrients. They also have extremely strong bones because of the enriched water they drink. Where we would fall and break a hip at the ripe old age of 70, they would fall and bounce back back up. One of the other keys to a living a long life had to do with families. All the families in this village live together, which I thought was pretty cool. I don't recommend it, but it was cool. Patrone, who is 107, had his daughter fix Oprah's crew a nice meal. She happened to be 65 and appeared to get more exercise in making a meal than most Americans do in an entire week. They don't have electricity deep in the jungle.....everything is done by hand, which replaces a nice sculpting workout in the gym any day. Check out Oprah's news story on the BLUE ZONES.....click

Chopping wood at 102 yrs old

Victorious Arm-wrestle match at 105 yrs of age

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