Monday, March 16, 2009

4) Nicole Marie Medlin

This is my wonderful sister-in-law Nicole Medlin. She is the, always tan, mother of two beautiful offspring Maria Grace and Samuel Richard. She has been married to my brother Jason for around 4 years or so now. I love their relationship because they still pick and mess with each other like they were flirting back in college. My brother usually wins when it comes to embarrassing the other one though. Nicole also has a blog that you should check out here to go straight to it. I have known Nicole for about 8 years or so, since we all went to Georgia College & State University together. She is perfect for my bro...she always has great advice and adds a lot of insight to my brother's somewhat stubborn views on things. She is a "Do-it-yourself" Queen...which is almost her downfall, because there are many unfinished projects lying around the house, but she is a very hard worker when it comes to her youngins. I love that Nicole is now officially a Medlin, because it is almost like an already-great-friend joined the family forever!

Nicole Marie Medlin


Anonymous said...

Why is Cleaves wearing a girls skydiving suit?

City Grace said...

you are so sweet. i couldn't be prouder to be a medlin. my heart dropped when i saw my name on the title though, i thought for sure you were going to put that sbp dancing picture on there...i love you even more now that you didnt!